Another Day

Hello, again.

I finished third chapter of FreeCodeCamp’s web design course. It was solely about colours and honestly was a bit boring but an easy achievement, anyway.

And yes, I changed my hugo theme risotto to etch. This one is more minimal and easy-to-read, at least for me and my eyes. Besides technically less moving parts; no JavaScript, no web fonts and icons, etc. I lost personal information area which was in right panel but not a problem, I added a contact page specially for these information.

Weekend was good, I rested and slept more than plenty. Cleaned and re-organanized my room. I made a big box of e-waste; three old and unfunctional mobile computers, too many ram modules from different dimensions and eras, tangled cable colonies, old speakers and headphones, a cocktail of a dozen harddrives, cd and dvd drives, a wireless mouse, more cables, etc. All hoard will go to an NGO for recycling and they’ll use the income for education.

Again last weekend, played Minecraft for the first time ever. Of course I heard it and watched some crazy videos. But until Google Play gifted it’s mobile version with my new Chromebook never tried before. It is a good sandbox game but maybe too grindy for me (yes, a guy shoved thousands of hours to online games wrote this sentence).

Lastly, I poked git a little. It’s complicated if I understand right. I just read a few page from Pro Git Book but maybe I should look for easier entryways.

Thank you for reading!

Edit: Somehow, I managed to use git after an hour and deployed this site via Github to Cloudflare! Hehe, cya all for now.