Next Steps

Hello again, dears.

Last week, I finished FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design course’s first section and built a simple survey as a certification project. No CSS code demanded, so I didn’t bother with it, just completed the form in HTML and earned my first certificate.

Honestly, because of curriculum I was hoping a little more complicated certificate project. I can understand there’s not much quirky things with plain HTML, some basic understanding about tags and attributes solves the most of entry-level problems but maybe they can demand a little more challenging things, especially some CSS knowledge would be nice (the only thing they demands linking a css file to html file) and lessons already contains nice amount of information about basic CSS.

Next sections, as far as I understand, more CSS oriented. Starts with box model and more about with Flexbox and typography. Maybe this is why first section ends with an HTML only project.

I am aware, I am a little bit more slow nowadays. Frankly, this isn’t about the course or curriculum but about my daily life. I was more lazy and found interesting excuses for not working on my learning the programming journey, unsurprisingly. But this is not means everything is bleak, also I made some reasonable things too. For example, found out The Odin Project and decided to use it together with FreeCodeCamp. Worked a little bit more on git and github, at least now I can handle this blog’s simple tasks from command-line.

Weekend was uneventful, I watched second season of Good Omens. Ordered a light therapy lamp (or lightbox?).

After sending this post, I’ll start reading Dune, which I was delaying for years. Wish me luck!

Thank you for reading!